About Synthesis

The Philosophy Of Synthesis

Welcome to Synthesis—a program guiding people with persistent pain to recover and sustain independence. Over six weeks, Synthesis guides participants through a transformative process of understanding, reframing, and integrating their experiences with chronic pain.

By bridging the gap between pain science education, clinical expertise, and the participants' lived experiences, we aim to enable individuals to reshape their relationship with chronic pain and reclaim ownership over their future wellbeing.

At its core the word Synthesis, as defined here, refers to the program's underlying methodology:

Multidimensional Understanding of Pain

The Synthesis program is founded on an integrative philosophy that brings together a wide range of therapeutic modalities and clinical experts into one cohesive programme. This fusion of approaches allows for a multidimensional understanding of each individual's unique relationship with chronic pain.

Integrating Objective & Subjective

At the core of Synthesis is a joining of clinical expertise with patients' lived experiences. This interplay enables participants and providers to navigate the intricate physical, psychological, and emotional dimensions of chronic pain in a collaborative manner. Subjective patient stories are carefully woven with objective data from assessments to uncover participant-specific needs and actionable solutions.

Practical Skill Development

Synthesis bridges the gap between pain science education and practical self-management approaches. Participants not only gain knowledge on the multifaceted origins of chronic pain, encompassing physiological, psychological, and sociocultural factors but also learn tangible skills to reshape their pain narratives and take ownership over their wellbeing. This merger equips participants to integrate the program's tools into their daily lives for sustained change.

Community-Based Care

Synthesis leverages the power of community to synergise with individual transformation. Group support fosters an environment for participants to share openly, find common ground, and inspire one another. This community-building facilitates the shift from feelings of isolation to connection, adversity to achievement, and reliance to self-sufficiency.

Multidisciplinary Team

To achieve these outcomes, Synthesis incorporates a multidisciplinary team of professionals, including doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, and more. This diversity of expertise ensures chronic pain is addressed from all vantage points.


By encouraging the interplay of individual and shared experiences, balancing clinical proficiency with patient narratives, and addressing the multidimensional facets of one's life, Synthesis empowers participants to transform their relationship with chronic pain and reclaim fulfilling lives. The program offers unwavering support during participation and post-completion to ensure these meaningful changes last well beyond the program itself.

Bridging Expertise and Lived Experience

A cornerstone of the Synthesis philosophy is bridging clinical expertise with participants' lived experiences. During each phase of the curriculum, objective evidence-based education is brought to life through real-world examples, group discussion and shared storytelling.

Participants will share their unique pain narratives, challenges and successes. Clinicians provide specialised knowledge and guide participants to integrate learnings. This fusion of expertise enriches comprehension on both sides - participants gain evidence-based insight while clinicians understand the nuances of embodied patient experiences.

Shared storytelling also enables participants to find solidarity and hope. The community built within the Synthesis program is crucial for combating isolation and building a supportive network. While their pain journeys are unique, members discover common ground through open dialogue. They realise “I am not alone in this struggle.” Finding peers who understand their daily trials is powerfully validating.

At Painless, we believe knowledge comes to life when grounded in human experience. Bridging objective expertise with subjective experience results in an empathetic clinical practice that resonates at the emotional level needed to inspire transformation.

Transformational Potential

Synthesis' integrative and multidimensional approach aims to facilitate a transformation in participants' relationship with chronic pain. By addressing physiological, psychological, social and lifestyle realms, the program instils an interconnected understanding of the pain experience.

With knowledge and skills gained through each pillar of the curriculum, participants are equipped to take an active role in managing their pain. They gain tangible self-care techniques while reshaping unhelpful thought patterns. Open sharing fosters emotional intelligence, communality, and intrinsic motivation for change.

From passive pain endurance to active empowered self-care, Synthesis facilitates a meaningful shift in identity and self-efficacy. We aim to transition mindsets of helplessness into motivation, isolation into connection, and adversity into achievement.

Each participant’s journey with chronic pain is unique, as is their transformational process. By integrating clinical excellence with human experiences, Synthesis strives to plant the seeds for positive change to blossom within each individual. Our goal is sustainable growth that empowers participants well beyond the program itself.

Ongoing Support

Sustaining positive changes in chronic pain management requires ongoing support.

That is why Synthesis incorporates a detailed maintenance plan for continued skill development and community connection. Participants leave with direct access to our clinic’s online resources, and discussion groups to foster lasting relationships.

Booster sessions and optional events provide touchpoints for group sharing and problem solving. We aim to nurture the communal bonds built during the program to sustain motivation and uplift members through life’s challenges. Synthesis also equips each participant with a personalised chronic pain management toolkit. Individualised wellness plans outline effective techniques, pacing strategies, social support and lifestyle integration. These concrete resources empower autonomy over the long term.

Our team remains dedicated to participants’ growth beyond the program itself. We walk alongside them as they navigate the challenges of chronic pain.

Fostering Community

Isolation can be one of the most painful aspects of living with chronic pain. At Painless, we strive to cultivate a warm, welcoming community through Synthesis that combats loneliness and validates shared struggles.

Our interactive virtual workshops encourage candour and trust between members. Facilitators guide discussions of triumphs and tribulations with chronic pain in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Participants realise “I am truly heard and understood here.” Finding commonality throughout diverse experiences builds fellowship and hope. While each member’s pain journey is unique, collectively they gain perspective that “I am not in this alone.” Shared challenges become sources of mutual inspiration to persevere.

Beyond education, participants gain invaluable social support through community inclusion. Laughter, encouragement and compassion nurture emotional healing. New friendships provide enduring empathy and strength.

At Painless, we believe nourishing human connection is foundational to growth. Our communal philosophy enriches the participant experience.

Cultivating Self-Efficacy

Living with chronic pain often erodes one’s sense of control and self-confidence. The Synthesis program aims to restore self-efficacy and autonomy through education, skills-building and collaborative care planning.

As participants gain tangible pain management techniques, they develop a sense of control over symptoms. Gradually, the narrative shifts from “pain controls me” to “I have tools to better control my pain.” Clinicians guide participants to identify personalised strategies that work for their lifestyles. Collaborative goal-setting and care planning foster intrinsic motivation to manage pain independently.

Meanwhile, emotional support and encouragement from fellow participants galvanise self-belief. Progress within a caring community validates that “I can get better and rebuild my life.”

Synthesis focuses on sustainable change by nurturing participants’ inner capacity to direct their own care. Our integrative approach aims to instil lasting resilience, motivation and self-efficacy in managing chronic pain.

Expected Outcomes

The Synthesis program aims to deliver multidimensional outcomes that extend beyond pain intensity reduction:

  • Enhanced self-management skills and self-efficacy
  • Reduced pain-related disability and distress
  • Improved physical functioning and fitness
  • Decreased healthcare utilisation
  • Increased participation in daily activities
  • Greater emotional wellbeing and reduced anxiety/depression
  • Improved sleep quality and energy levels
  • Enhanced coping strategies and thought patterns
  • Increased sense of purpose, motivation and life satisfaction
  • Improved interpersonal relationships and social connectivity
  • Sustained integration of lifestyle changes and pain self-management behaviours

Comparative Advantages of Synthesis

Many existing chronic pain programs focus narrowly on physical modalities, medication or short-term symptom relief. Synthesis is fundamentally different in the following ways:

  • Comprehensive enactive approach addressing physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive, and social dimensions of chronic pain
  • Acknowledgement and application of bioplasticity as the mechanism of chronic pain
  • Interdisciplinary team of specialists in diverse fields related to pain care
  • In-depth pain neuroscience education empowering participants to understand their pain
  • Strong emphasis on lasting lifestyle change, not just temporary treatment
  • Teaches adaptive coping strategies and cognitive behavioural techniques to change thought and behaviour patterns
  • Group format provides invaluable community support and shared learning
  • Collaborative treatment planning focused on each individual's needs and goals
  • Skills-based approach equipping participants with practical self-management tools
  • Extensive transition planning to sustain benefits over the long term

Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement

To ensure efficacy and participant satisfaction, the Synthesis program incorporates continuous evaluation and improvement processes.

Formative assessments throughout the curriculum provide ongoing feedback loops. Participants complete brief surveys rating their comprehension, engagement, perceived utility of topics covered, and comfort within the group environment. Clinicians are encouraged to share candid observational feedback as well.

This formative evaluation enables us to adapt session content and group facilitation in real time to optimise the participant experience. Keeping a pulse on progress enables us to highlight effective approaches and modify any aspects that may be confusing or inadequate.

Meanwhile, more comprehensive assessments are conducted at key intervals:

  1. Baseline assessment establishes participants’ knowledge, beliefs, behaviours, and self-efficacy related to chronic pain at the outset.
  2. Midpoint assessment at 4 weeks gauges early progress and participant satisfaction. Feedback is used to improve the second half of programming.
  3. End-of-program assessment evaluates participants’ gains in knowledge, skills, attitudes, perceived control and more. Satisfaction with all program elements is also rated.
  4. Post-program assessment occurs 3-6 months after completion to evaluate maintenance of outcomes and need for additional support.

This evaluation framework ensures we are upholding the Synthesis mission and continually improving. We Synthesise feedback into enhanced participant experiences and more effective integrative care.

Optimising Access Through Online Delivery

To expand access to our Synthesis program, we will offer an online version that delivers the full curriculum virtually. This combines the personalised nature of in-person Synthesis with the convenience of at-home participation.

Our interactive video workshops enable real-time group sharing and learning from anywhere. Modalities include:

  • Live video sessions led by experienced facilitators
  • Engaging multimedia presentations and demonstrations
  • Customised modules paced to each participant's needs
  • Supplementary online resources and learning materials
  • Secure video conferencing for individual consultations
  • Remote health monitoring and progress tracking

With evidence-based design optimised for engagement, Synthesis fosters community support, empathetic guidance, and self-efficacy building. Participants receive the same comprehensive curriculum and dedicated clinician team.

Outcomes will show pre-post improvements in pain intensity, depression, anxiety, disability, catastrophising, pain acceptance, and readiness to adopt self-management. Video delivery removes geographical barriers and empowers more individuals to transform their relationship with chronic pain through Synthesis.

Enhanced Movement Rehabilitation

Synthesis can integrate enhanced movement rehabilitation recognising the bidirectional relationship between pain and movement. Our interdisciplinary team provides:

  • Graded activity therapy to progressively increase function
  • Pacing and goal-setting focused on meaningful activities
  • Education on listening to the body and responding adaptively to symptoms
  • Guidance on returning to work, household and leisure activities
  • Joint protection and posture strategies to prevent exacerbations
  • Manual therapy and therapeutic massage for temporary relief

Clinicians guide movement exploration to build confidence without reinforcing fear-avoidance. Positive and negative pain responses during exercises facilitate learning about safely expanding activity tolerance. Participants are empowered to resume enriched lifestyles through a graduated, self-efficacious approach to movement.

The Synthesis program can utilise diverse techniques and modalities to progressively guide participants back to movement and activity:

  • Exercise programs tailored to individual strengths, limitations and goals
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises to improve flexibility and stamina
  • Aerobic activity like walking, swimming, cycling to build cardiovascular health
  • Balance and coordination exercises to improve mobility and reduce fall risk
  • Yoga, tai chi, qigong and other mind-body practices
  • Pacing strategies to gradually increase tolerance over time
  • Activity logging and goal setting to drive motivation and progress
  • Flare management education to avoid overexertion setbacks
  • Assistive devices like braces, tape, canes to enable movement with support
  • Bracing and taping for joint stabilization and pain relief

The clinical team continually assess and advise participants during exercises. They will provide real-time feedback on technique, safe progression, and adaptive responses to pain symptoms. Participants will learn the nuanced relationship between movement and pain. They will gain confidence that with clinician guidance, strategic pacing, and self-awareness, enriched movement is possible despite chronic pain.

Integrated Psychological Approaches

Synthesis can deliver evidence-based psychological techniques including:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy to transform unhelpful thought patterns
  • Mindfulness and meditation to build present moment awareness
  • Stress management and emotional regulation guidance
  • Communication and anger management skills training
  • Fear and anxiety exposure therapy
  • Motivational coaching and goal-setting
  • Family/caregiver education and support involvement
  • Group pain neuroscience education for better understanding

These modalities encourage processing emotions, challenging maladaptive cognitions, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Clinicians help participants generalise psychological skills into everyday life and long-term pain self-management.

Holistic Lifestyle Integration

Synthesis can guide participants to integrate self-care strategies into daily routines including:

  • Diet and nutrition optimization to reduce inflammation
  • Sleep hygiene guidance for restorative rest
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Energy conservation advice to pace daily activities
  • Stress management through breathing, mindfulness, nature
  • Relationship management for intimacy and communication
  • Preventative strategies to avoid symptom exacerbation
  • Transitional planning for maintaining gains over time

By collaborating with participants to integrate personalised pain self-care, Synthesis cultivates sustainable lifestyle change and ongoing motivation outside of the program itself.

Interdisciplinary Whole-Person Care

Synthesis prioritises holistic care through:

  • In-depth enactive assessments
  • Diverse specialists including physiotherapists, psychologists, and dietitians
  • Clinician guidance on appropriate use of passive modalities for temporary relief
  • Case conferences to address all dimensions of the individual’s life and needs
  • Education workshops for family, friends, and caregivers
  • Guidance for maintaining intimacy, sex, and relationships
  • Focus on return to function, work, and enriched lifestyles beyond just symptom reduction

Our whole-person approach will align treatments with each individual's strengths, challenges, and personal goals.

Post-Program Support Services

Synthesis can offer continued services after graduation including:

  • Refresher courses and booster sessions
  • Follow-up needs assessments and care plan revisions
  • Online peer support communities and discussion forums
  • Individual coaching and counselling as needed
  • Relapse prevention guidance and crisis intervention
  • Home exercise program revisions and progress tracking
  • Education seminars on advancing pain topics

Ongoing support services reinforce skills, motivate continued progress, and quickly address any setbacks after the program.